Saturday, February 1, 2014

Lake 22

This weekend I was finally able to get out and enjoy the wilderness again, it had been far too long. A buddy and I headed out toward Granite Falls early Saturday morning. We got to the Lake 22 trail head around 7:30 to an empty parking lot. A car pulled in right behind us as we were getting our gear together. I was surprised to find a complete absence of any snow all the way up to the trail head. We decided to leave the snowshoes at the car, because we didn't think we'd need them.

So we headed up the trail, we found the trail completely snow free until about 1 mile from the top. As we hit the snow and starting trucking through the snow along the rocks we found it very advantageous to have our trekking poles with us. It did get pretty slick walking on those slippery rocks. Once we did get to the top we found quite a bit of snow, and once we stopped moving it got fairly cold rather quickly.

We took a few pictures, drank some hot chocolate, walked around the Lake as far as we dared, even blazed a few feet of new trail in the snow. We turned back and headed back down. We passed a few people on their way up (who I thought were very ill prepared to be out in the cold/snow...). We made it down in good time and were able to be home by early afternoon.


Region: North Cascades-Mountain Loop Highway
Distance: 2.9 miles
Elevation Gain: 1350 ft
Peak Elevation: 2400 ft
Difficulty: easy (slightly more difficult due to some snow at the top)
Pass Requirement: Yes. All passes honored.
Water Source: Lots of creeks and streams due to the snow-pack. Lake 22 2.9 miles (iced over, covered in snow.)
Wildlife: Very limited due to the cold weather and time of year.

As always check out all the photos of the hike and every hike by clicking on the "Photos" tab.